London Journal of Primary Care (LJPC)
London Journal of Primary Care (LJPC) 

Welcome to the London Journal of Primary Care(LJPC), Print, Online and Open Access Journal Centre.

The London Journal of Primary Care(LJPC) is the Official Primary Care Journal for the Joint International Academies  of Research and Education (JIARE).

The LJPC print, Online and Open Access Journal Centre is a Resource for all General Practice and Primary Care/Family Medicine Matters.

London Journal of Primary Care (LJPC) is the Original and Official Primary Care Journal for London and the South East of England, and also covers all international issues in primary healthcare for all sponsored projects.  It is the official General Practice and Primary Care Journal for the Joint International Academies of Research and Education (JIARE) with the aim of maintaining high quality in research and education internationally.   


The production of the Journal was approved by the Trustees/Directors and Council and Committees of JIARE since 1994 to cover all sponsored medical and healthcare projects in primary care and education in London and South East of England.  The LJPC is published in print and online editions and it is read by over one million healthcare professionals and institutions Worldwide.  For more information about LJPC, please contact: .


Guidelines for Authors

LJPC welcomes submissions from authors on various subjects and topics for consideration for publication.  LJPC adopts strict double blinded peer review system in assessing submitted materials for publications in both the print and online editions of the Journal.

Journal Subscriptions

Orders for current edition and back issues should be sent to London Journal of Primary Care (LJPC), JIARE Publications Services,  27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX, UK. E-mail:  or click on the following link:


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© London Journal of Primary Care (LJPC) - The Official Primary Care Journal for the Joint International Academies of Research and Education (JIARE) - Online Edition - 1996 to 2025.